First Week at School

Welcome to our class blog! Each week myself or Mrs Thomson will post a selection of pictures so you can see what your child and their friends have been learning. It’s been a very different start to P1 but the pupils in 1T have settled in nicely. 

We have been learning some new sounds this week and the actions to help us remember each one. 

S - make a snake motion with your hands and make the “sss” sound
A - ants crawling up the arm making the “aaa” sound
T - head moves side to side like you are watching tennis making the “t” sound 
P - blowing out a candle ( Index finger to lips) Making the “p” 
I - Inky the mouse (mimic making whiskers) making the “i” sound 
N - arms out like an aeroplane and make the ‘nnn’

We drew stripes on the tiger for T and made a curly snake for S. 

On Tuesday we learned about how germs can be spread and that the best way to scare them away (get rid of them) is to wash our hands. We do this when we come into the room and before/after every playtime. We love making bubbles with the soap. 

For numeracy this week we have focused on the numbers 1,2,3,4 and 5. We have played games in which we collect different objects from the class to make sets of. Writing this numbers can be tricky but we will keep trying this at school and if possible at home to help us.

On Friday we went to the Doh Disco and used our hands And individual play doughs to dance to the music. This helps us to strengthen our fingers and hand muscles to help with our writing.
